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It Might Be Time To Schedule Your Freestyle Kickboxing Sessions

It Might Be Time To Schedule Your Freestyle Kickboxing Sessions

It Might Be Time To Schedule Your Freestyle Kickboxing Sessions

If you have heard about freestyle kickboxing training sessions at WildStyle Gym near Marysville, it might be time to consider getting on the schedule. We encourage you to explore that curiosity with a freebie training session! Come down and see what we are all about. Get involved in one of our sessions, throw a few punches, feel empowered, and see if WildStyle Gym is right for you.

At WildStyle Gym, we have a schedule of competitive and freestyle, MMA, and kickboxing training sessions. A well-trained professional and guide will teach you how to fight and defend yourself in a comfortable, safe environment. Kickboxing is an excellent exercise, primarily if you aim to strengthen and condition your body and muscles while disciplining your mind and learning something new and valuable. We give you every ounce of helpful information to make you a great fighter, whether you seek to do it professionally or just for fun.

There are Big Health Benefits to Kickboxing!

Considered one of the most popular forms of martial arts, kickboxing is a cardio and strength exercise that targets all areas of your body, both inside and outside. Some of the most significant health benefits of freestyle kickboxing include the following:

  • Release of pent-up energy and an outlet for stress and anxiety.
  • Increased strength and improvement in body composition from head to toe.
  • Improved confidence in physical abilities.
  • Better flexibility with improved cardiovascular function and stabilized blood pressure.
  • Increased mental performance through concentration and focus.

Kickboxing is one of those exercises that is safe and fun for all ages and fitness levels. Little to no equipment is involved, and you can participate in sparring or grappling sessions to better your fighting techniques against real opponents.

Learn more about freestyle or competitive kickboxing training sessions at WildStyle Gym near Marysville by calling us at (360) 322-1533.